I feel so much excitement! I have been sharing and opening up about this business that I have been working on. It has come at a time when many of my colleagues in the activity and tour industry that I am speaking with are saying “FINALLY! Yes, this is exactly what we need!”
In my experience over the years, each individual company, whether an activity provider or a concierge company, has found themselves in a tight situation regarding experienced and qualified staff.
This can result in the need to either #1 – provide extensive training for an new employee with no industry or job related experience or #2 – entice an employee from another company. The islands have continued to see growing number of annual visitors to Hawaii; as a result, the industry operators have grown and new companies join in to fulfill the visitor demand. As we have all experienced, the employment “pool” is getting smaller and smaller…and smaller.
Businesses are utilizing current employees for multiple jobs and responsibilities. I believe a lot of this stems from not being able to locate qualified, trained employees for the positions. It is not cost effective to have employees working overtime; however, the jobs have to get done. This can affect efficiencies and productivity. That doesn’t leave much time and opportunity for business management to be going through the hiring process, let alone the training commitment that a new hire requires.
When I talk about the “cost” of training, that goes beyond just money. It’s also the time and dedication of the management or supervisory employee that is going to do the training. Then we have to answer, who will do that employee’s regular daily responsibilities while they are training the new hire?
When you choose a new employee to join your team, they are now on your payroll starting the first moment of training.
What happens when you discover this trainee just isn’t “getting it” for the role you originally hired them for. Or what if they are meshing well with your existing team? Now what?
It’s frustrating and costly…I have been in those situations! You may need to let them go and start the whole hiring process over. (Very frustrating). Time and money…. It is a never-ending process, until now!
You can have the opportunity to “sample” them through our temporary employment services without the commitment, time and cost of finding an employee for a specific position. Members of ABC of Hawaii will have the benefit of accessing videos of potential employees, read bios and learn of training accomplishments through ABC of Hawaii and other certifications, classes if applicable.
I have created an “activity and tour industry” based training and staffing center that is focused on Concierge, Tour Guide, Sales Center, Event Planner and Dispatch positions. Activity Business Center of Hawaii (“ABC of Hawaii”) has the recruiting resources, seasoned trainers, structured assessments and the ability to provide a variety of solutions to your staffing needs!